Diesel Technic 自有网络电视频道庆祝创办十周年:目前约有4000订阅者在时刻关注着此汽车零配件供应商的相关新闻-而且这一数字每天都在增长。
十年中,已先后拍摄并分享了350多个视频,为观众提供了DT Spare Parts和SIEGEL Automotive品牌产品的相关信息以及车间日常工作的实用小贴士和技巧。
Since May 2017, the "Parts Specialists" Björn and Lars share their competent expertise from their own professional experience as master mechanics with the DT Web TV community. In the regular videos, the "Parts Specialists" provide assistance with products and support workshop professionals in their everyday work. The videos are going well: the six "Parts Specialists" episodes alone have been watched about 200 000 times – Björn and Lars are enjoying a growing fan base. Only in October 2018, the latest video for the replacement of shock absorbers in a truck appeared, which is available at www.dt-web.tv and on YouTube: youtu.be/0JubeamqMYc
The "Parts Specialists" are always open for new topic requests for future videos. Anyone who has ideas for new videos that support everyday workshop life can email them to parts-specialists@dieseltechnic.com or write a message via Facebook.
In addition, the DT TV channel offers many other videos to products and product divisions, for example in DT video podcasts, but also to the Premium Shop, trade fairs, the product brands DT Spare Parts and SIEGEL Automotive, company news and many other topics.
All videos are available on www.dt-web.tv and YouTube.
视频始终处于最前沿:DT TV十周年