Product Management
The information obtained through market knowledge, long-term experience of product management and technical know-how in product development are the basis for branded products in guaranteed quality and a foundation in order to be able to operate in a trustworthy, safe and successful manner within the automotive industry.
The suppliers of Diesel Technic are certified according to international standards of the automotive industry and integrated into the comprehensive quality management.

Reverse Engineering
Distribution partners and their workshop customers benefit from a complete range with guaranteed quality from Diesel Technic. They receive practically all of the automotive parts for new and older vehicles from a single source. As a full-range supplier, Diesel Technic offers synergy effects through time and cost-saving, which present a significant competitive benefit.
The quick development of new products plays an important role, particularly within the automotive industry. The product range is continually expanded on the basis of requirement analyses. A portion of the products is developed by Diesel Technic in the reverse engineering procedure and produced via the extended workbench at certified licensed manufacturers from the international automotive supplier industry.